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How to integrate Lyzi ?
To accept a cryptocurrency payment using Lyzi, two methods are available:
A. Link the payment to a “Payment Button”
B. Link the payment to a collector / salespoint.
The philosophy of those two methods is to use:
A. Payment Button for online payments, in e-commerce websites, whereas
B. ”Payment link” is more meant to be used for a in-store payment.
That being said, there is no strict limitation about using one or the other.
A. Payment Button | B. Collector payment | |
Ideal for | eShop payments | Payment link for a salespoint |
Requires: | A payment button | |
(from the API) | One salespoint and one collector are configured |
To integrate Lyzi payment - in store or online - a “manager” account shall be created and approved by our compliance team (KYB process). Once this process is completed, the manager has full access to his backoffice, under In there, the manager can create buy buttons, payment links, configure his salespoint, payment collectors and option cashier accounts.
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For testing purposes, a sandbox environment is also available and can be explored under Here are shared credentials to test the integration:
User : [email protected]
Pass: Lyzi123,
The following authorizations must be added in the header of the requests to Lyzi API:
'x-api-key': apiKey,
'x-api-secret': apiSecret,
The key and the secret can be found in the backoffice, in the “developer” section.
As mentioned in the introduction, this approach is recommended for integration in online stores or applications.
Before integrating the Lyzi payment solution on your website or application, you shall create a “Payment Button” from your backoffice.
First, make sure that your account has been created and that the KYB is done and confirmed. If you don’t have an account, go to and complete all the information of your profile.
Then, let’s create a payment button. Go to the backoffice and find the buy button section:
Fill the information of the button, and create it.
As annoted in the picture, here are the information about the button:
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Note that most of this information can be and will be edited during the payment initialization, when doing the integration in your application.
Once created, you can select the button that has been created and click on “Display” :
In your application, we are going to use the buy button created in the previous section, customize its parameters and initiate the payment.
The simplest way to initiate a payment, based on this buy button, is to build the following URL, with the appropriate parameters :
// This is the base URL for the payment using the button
const url = new URL("<>");
// Set the query parameters
// - The ID of the button that has been created in the previous section
url.searchParams.append('id', buttonId;
// - The price of the payment to perform, as a string
url.searchParams.append('price', amount.toString());
// - The currency of the payment to perform, as a string. Only EUR, CHF and XPF are currently supported (as of 2025 Jan 1st)
url.searchParams.append('currency', "EUR");
// - The callback URL where the payment confirmation request will be POST'ed
url.searchParams.append('callbackUrl', callbackUrl);
// - The return URL, where the use will be redirected when the payment is completed and successfull
url.searchParams.append('returnUrl', returnUrl)
// - The return URL, where the use will be redirected when the payment is failed
url.searchParams.append('cancelUrl', cancelUrl)
// User can now be redirected to this URL, or a QR code can be built and shown to the user
// This will take the customer to the Lyzi Payment gate for him to perform the payment in cryptocurrencies
And voilà 💫 Just by a couple of lines, the payment url can be built and the user can be redirected to the payment gate to complete the payment.
Alternatively, the SDK can also be used to have more coding tool to intiate the payment:
The direct payment is used to link a payment to a collector, which is related to a salespoint. Before initiating the payment, the ID of the collector must be found.
Make sure that a collector has been created. Using the API or the backoffice :
Once the collector is created, retrieve its ID :
The ID in the response of this request shall be used in the field merchantIdentifier
for of the request of the payment below.
To initialize a payment using cryptocurrencies, the endpoint request
shall be called:
amount: Joi.required(),
fromAsset: Joi.string().valid('EUR', 'CHF', 'XPF').insensitive().required(),
toAsset: Joi.string().valid('USDT', 'USDC', 'EUR').insensitive().required(),
webhookUrl: Joi.string().allow(null, ''),
cancelUrl: Joi.string().allow(null, '').max(256),
returnUrl: Joi.string().allow(null, '').max(256),
merchantIdentifier: Joi.string().allow(null, ''),
anonymous: Joi.boolean(),
goods: Joi.object({
goodsName: Joi.string(),
goodsType: Joi.string().valid('01', '02'),
goodsCategory: Joi.string().valid('0000', '1000', '2000', '3000', '4000', '5000', '6000', '7000', '8000', '9000', 'A000', 'B000', 'C000', 'D000', 'E000', 'F000', 'Z000'),
goodsDetail: Joi.string().max(256).allow('', null),
goodsQuantity: Joi.string().max(256).allow('', null)
kycInfo: Joi.object({
hash: Joi.string().required(), // The HMAC hash, for security
origin: Joi.string().required(), // The origin name (fundora)
id: Joi.string().required(), // The session/KYC ID
status: Joi.string().required(), // "approved" ? :)
firstName: Joi.string().required(),
lastName: Joi.string().required(),
nidPdfUrl: Joi.string().required(), // The url where to download the file
poaPdfUrl: Joi.string().required(), // The url where to download the file
kycReportUrl: Joi.string().required(), // The url where to download the file
fundOriginPdfUrl: Joi.string().required(), // The url where to download the file
approvedAt: Joi.string().required(), // Approval date
rawData: Joi.object() // any data that can be useful
And voilà 💫 Just by a couple of lines, the payment url (paymentUrl
from the response) can be retrieved and the user can be redirected to the payment gate to complete the payment.